Student Grants

Here is a list of student grants available at the moment. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please email us at

Student Fund (Stúdentasjóður)

The Student Fund provides grants to students and student associations within the University of Iceland. The Student Fund supports:

  1. Culture and social life of students,
  2. International student co-operation with foreign parties,
  3. Students undergoing diagnosis for specific learning disabilities, attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder (ADD / ADHD).
  4. International students from outside of EES countries, who face financial difficulties in Iceland.
The president of the fund’s board for the schoolyear 2024-2025 is Viktor Pétur Finnsson, Other members of the board are Tinna Eyvindardóttir, Gunnar Freyr Þórarinsson, Anna Sóley Jónsdóttir, Fannar Gíslason, Ólöf Soffía Eðvarðsdóttir and Sæþór Már Hinriksson.
All recognized student associations at the University of Iceland can apply for permanent grants from the fund at the beginning of each school year. In addition, faculty associations with more than 15 members are entitled to a per capita grant calculated according to the number of students in question.
Allocations are four times a year. Each allocation is advertised well in advance by the Student Council on the student mailing list at the University of Iceland.
The Icelandic laws of the Fund are applied in case of uncertainty.
Various funds at the University of Iceland

At the University of Iceland students can apply for various funds. Click the link to see the list.


Erasmus+ provides students of European universities with the unique opportunity to gain international experience in their studies and improve their position in the labour market. In addition, the new programme promotes equal opportunities to study abroad by providing supplementary grants for students with special needs.

Students can apply for two types of grants:

  • Erasmus+ exchange study grants allow students to take courses at one of UI’s partner universities, which are evaluated for credits upon return to Iceland. Students applying for an Erasmus+ exchange study grant receive a subsistence grant of EUR 660-770 per month as well as a travel grant of EUR 275-820 (depending on distance from destination).
  • Erasmus+ traineeship grants allow students to work on specific projects, related to their studies, at a company or institution. Students applying for an Erasmus+ traineeship grant receive a subsistence grant of EUR 660-770 per month as well as a travel grant of EUR 275-820 (depending on distance from destination).