The School Councils of the Student Council work in each academic field separately and is responsible for looking after the interests of students within each field. Each of the councils consist of five people who do not necessarily have a seat in the Student Council. The president of each School Council must however also be part of the Student Council.
The School Council of the School of Social Sciences consists of the following:
Ragnheiður Geirsdóttir
The School Council of the School of Health Sciences consists of the following:
Eiríkur Kúld Viktorsson
The School Council of the School of Humanities consists of the following:
Ísleifur Arnórsson
The School Council of the School of Education consists of the following:
Gunnar Ásgrímsson
The School Council of the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences consists of the following:
Kristín Fríða Sigurborgardóttir