August 21, 2024

Student Council Meeting August 26

Agenda Student Council Meeting on August 27th 2024 in room HT-101 in Háskólatorg.

According to paragraph 9 of the Student Council’s laws, the Council’s meetings are open to all students at the University of Iceland. Students who are not members of the Student Council may therefore attend meetings and listen to discussions within the Council. Please note that the meeting takes place in Icelandic.

Please contact the office of the Student Council at if you have any questions regarding the meeting or the agenda. Furthermore, all students are welcome to contact the office with inquiries about their rights.

Meeting agenda:

  • Meeting Called to Order – 17:00 – 17:05
  • Approval of the Minutes from the Meeting on May 21, 2024 – 17:05 – 17:10
  • Approval of the Minutes from the Last Meeting on August 8, 2024 – 17:05 – 17:10
  • Draft of the Autumn Semester Meeting Schedule – 17:10 – 17:15
  • Proposed Amendments to the SHÍ Bylaws, Phase 1 – 17:15 – 17:35
  • Nominations for the Student Fund Board – 17:35 – 17:40
  • Meeting Break – 17:40 – 17:50
  • Proposal for a Student Council Campaign – 17:50 – 17:55
  • Proposal for Gender-Neutral Restrooms – 17:55 – 18:05
  • Proposal for the Installation of Electric Charging Stations at the University of Iceland – 18:05 – 18:15
  • Proposal for the Student Council to Advocate for the Sale of Nicotine Pouches at Hámu – 18:15 – 18:25
  • Proposal for the Student Council to Demand Improvements in Public Transportation – 18:25 – 18:40
  • Meeting Break – 18:40 – 18:50
  • Proposal for Food Trucks During Exam Period – 18:50 – 19:00
  • Proposal Regarding Office Work Hours – 19:00 – 19:10
  • Proposal for Increased Lead Time in the Work of the Student Council – 19:10 – 19:20
  • Recorded Matters and Announcements – 19:20 – 19:25
  • Other Business – 19:30 – 19:35



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