March 9, 2023

Rules regarding communication with voters and other candidates

The Student Council has approved the following rules when it comes to communication with voters and other candidates in the upcoming Student Council elections.

  1. Voters‘ rights to a secret election should be protected throughout. Under no circumstances should a voter be made to prove they have voted or to show their ballot.
  2. It is impermissible to host events during the time of ongoing elections that infringe on voters‘ rights to a secret election.
  3. Parties are not permitted to direct voters to rearrange candidates in order to influence the election results and get more of their candidates elected than would have been secured through a straight-forward vote for the party‘s list of canditates, this is in accordance with the 33rd article of the Student Council laws regarding the election process.
  4. Distributing election material within the University is permitted. When it comes to such a distribution, the university‘s rules should be followed, i.e. by employing boards and areas that explicitly allow posters and other such materials.
  5. An organised distribution of election material in the university‘s buildings during election days is impermissible.
  6. Any kind of destruction of other candidates and/or parties election material is impermissible.
  7. The sharing of derogatory and hurtful comments is impermissible.

Minor infractions are those infractions that violate the overarching goal of a fair election without being considered particularly hurtful or done with malicious intent.

Major infractions include any sharing of derogatory or hurtful comments or malicious intent when it comes to breaking the laws of the Student Council and/or a brotherly election. If a major infraction occurs, the electoral commission will hand over a written reminder and publish said reminder on Facebook and/or Twitter.

The electoral commission will endeavour to resolve minor infractions without the need of a formal reminder. If minor infractions occur repeatedly, despite a verbal reminder, the electoral commission will hand over a written reminder and publish said reminder on Facebook and/or Twitter.

This list of infractions is not exhaustive. The electoral commission reserves the right to handle any unforseen potential infraction in what they consider to be an appropriate manner.

Approved by the Student Council on March 6 2023.


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