August 4, 2022

Appointment of Októberfest communications’ officer 2022

Skarphéðinn Finnbogason has been hired as the Student Council’s Októberfest communications’ officer 2022!

Skarphéðinn is a 21 year old law student at the University of Iceland, alongside working on a diploma in events’ management at the University of Hólar. He works in Nova’s marketing division and as a manager for musicians.

He is deeply interested in marketing and events’ management and has worked on events such as yearly high-tides, launch parties, and concerts. Skarphéðinn is also experienced in social media marketing.

Skarphéðinn has a clear vision for the festival and sees a multitude of opportunities when it comes to the planning of Októberfest 2022. He is a member of the Student Council’s Culture and Social Events Committee and therefore has an insight into the Council’s operations and the importance of a varied social life on campus. We would like to wish Skarphéðinn all the best in this new role and look forward to working with him!


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